Illustrated Greek Myths for Children

Illustrated Greek Myths for Children
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Agnieszka Zielińska
rights manager
Rights sold to:

Nikola Kucharska

Illustrations: Nikola Kucharska

Age: 3-6
Edition type: boardbook
Release year: 2017
number of pages: 16
Dimensions: 231 x 310 mm
ISBN: 978-83-10-13127-0
Illustrated Greek Myths for Children
What was the beginning of the world like? Who lived on Mount Olympus and who ended
up in Hades? Why did Zeus punish Prometheus? Where did the seasons come from? Why
do people experience misery and sadness? Who were Daedalus and Icarus? What labours
did Heracles have to perform?
If you want your child to find out the answers to these and other questions, and have fun
along the way, Illustrated Greek Myths for Children is the perfect book for you.
This incredible book is not only an introduction to the world of Greek myths, but also engages your child’s awareness and their ability to tell stories. But most of all, it develops their imagination and encourages the whole family to spend time together in an intelligent way. The beginning of the book contains outlines of the myths, which make it easier to follow the events that are drawn out on the subsequent pages in detail and with great humour by
Nikola Kucharska. Illustrated Greek Myths for Children is a fantastic present for the whole family!
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