Around the World

Around the World
Contact us:
Agnieszka Zielińska
rights manager
Rights sold to:
Czech Republic

Nikola Kucharska

Illustrations: Nikola Kucharska

Age: 6-10
Edition type: hardcover
Release year: 2016
number of pages: 28
Dimensions: 235 x 325 mm
ISBN: 978-83-10-12984-0
Around the World
This is an amazing story about two round-the-world trips. You read about one of them vertically and about the other horizontally… Thanks to the book’s “accordion" construction you can read it page by page, or, as we would recommend, you can spread the book out on the floor and follow the characters’ adventures step by step. The first journey (East to West) is undertaken by a friendly family who want to visit the world’s most popular landmarks! Sometimes it will prove difficult to reconcile the entire family’s expectations for the trip…
A family of genuine globetrotters will take us on the second, North-to-South journey. They do not fear any danger or wild, remote places. They will have to work together in order to survive their risky escapade. Good fun, adventures and trivia… all this
across a detailed world map. This book is simply one-of-a-kind!
Others by these authors:
Bepa and Earthling. The Professor’s Mission
Cat City
Dog City
A Year in the Castle
How Does It Work? Books
On a meadow
Facts and Rumours about Dragons
The Lost Island
Animals That Have Disappeared. An Atlas of Extinct Species
Zuźka Online and Offline
No Fudging, Zuźka!
How Does It Work? Animals
Illustrated Greek Myths for Children
Mum, Let Me Tell You What Cats Do