How Does It Work? Animals

How Does It Work? Animals
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Agnieszka Zielińska
rights manager
Rights sold to:
Czech Republic

Nikola Kucharska

Illustrations: Nikola Kucharska

Age: 6-10
Edition type: hardcover
Release year: 2017
number of pages: 32
Dimensions: 240 x 320 mm
ISBN: 978-83-10-13169-0
How Does It Work? Animals
Klara loves animals and wants to know everything there is to know about them. In the future she wants to become a biologist or a vet, or a zoo technician, or a forester, or an animal psychologist, or a pet sitter… It’s so hard to make a decision! For now she spends every free moment she has finding out new things. Her grandad tirelessly helps Klara out and patiently answers any questions she has with the aid of his funny pictures. Why do dogs
leave wet paw prints? Why do pigs wallow in mud? Why can rats jump from a great height but no harm comes their way? Why do rabbits keep moving their noses? Why are parrots so noisy? Can frogs hear even though they have no ears? Why do horses sleep for such a short time? Why do bears stand on their hind legs? Why do ducks have such strange beaks? How come squirrels are so good at jumping? Why do roe deer move their ears about?
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Bepa and Earthling. The Professor’s Mission
Cat City
Dog City
A Year in the Castle
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Facts and Rumours about Dragons
The Lost Island
Animals That Have Disappeared. An Atlas of Extinct Species
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