Moko. The funniest clown in the world

Moko. The funniest clown in the world
Contact us:
Agnieszka Zielińska
rights manager

Gérard Moncomble

Illustrations: Paweł Pawlak

Age: 3-10
Edition type: hardcover
Release year: 2024
number of pages: 64
Dimensions: 205 x 275 mm
ISBN: 978-83-10-14032-6
Moko. The funniest clown in the world
A touching picture story that uses words sparingly to talk about depression… and also hope. One day Moko the Clown stops being funny. He isn’t entertaining anymore and loses his job in Mr Murky’s circus. He doesn’t know where to go or what to do with himself. He’s sad, lonely, lost, and feels like he’s falling apart… literally! All that’s left of the once funniest clown in the world is his red nose. Moko is experiencing the hardest time of his life. He thinks there’s no one there to help him. Will anything be ever funny again? Then – unexpectedly – he finds true friendship.
Others by these authors:
Ewa and Paweł Pawlak’s Small Atlas of Dogs (and Puppies)
Ewa and Paweł Pawlak's Small Atlas of Cats and Kittens
Small Atlas of Beasts
Ewa and Paweł Pawlak's Small Atlas of Butterflies
Ewa and Paweł Pawlak’s Small Atlas of Birds
Little Ossie Is Looking For a Friend