The Mystery of the Grandoyal Hotel

The Mystery of the Grandoyal Hotel
Contact us:
Agnieszka Zielińska
rights manager
Rights sold to:

Anna Mietelska

Illustrations: Anna Mietelska

Age: 6-10
Edition type: hardcover
Release year: 2022
number of pages: 192
Dimensions: 165 x 215 mm
ISBN: 978-83-10-13759-3
The Mystery of the Grandoyal Hotel
The Grandoyal Hotel towers over the Green Valley, an area inhabited by fursts. The hotel is an unusual place. Whoever steps over its threshold and drinks a glass of home-made barberry juice at the behest of the hotel owner, Mr Wilkinson, will feel very much at home. And perhaps will never want to leave! The hotel residents take their days slowly. Everyone does whatever they feel like. Some dance, others go on a long and seemingly aimless mountain hikes, some paint ceramic teapots and cook extravagant meals... or simply go about their business and keep it a secret. But nothing is forever. One morning the arrival of a guest disturbs the peace of the residents: it’s Mr Teddy, a self-taught astronomer and the great-grandson of Lord Berlington, who claims that the Green Valley (and perhaps the wider world) is threatened by doom. What kind of doom remains unclear. Can it be prevented? This is even more unclear, but we mustn’t stop trying! It looks like the fate of the entire world rests in very small paws...